suffolk X Lleyn

Suffolk X Lleyn working on farms.

Flocks using Suffolk over Lleyn ewes

Read their stories and see how they are getting on.

The Modern Malling Flock uses Lleyn Gold and Twitter. We have always maintained a lot of records, birth weights, 21week weights, ewe condition scores, lambing difficulties etc. so when Lleyn Gold came along it was an easy decision to sign up to the scheme. READ MORE>>


Please leave us your comments on Suffolk X Lleyn


Mr A West
a year ago

Both the Suffolk and Hampshire put across a Lleyn ewe will produce quality meat lamb plus some excellent home reared commercial hybrid ewes. Ideal for a closed nucleus flock of Lleyn ewes looking to have quality self replacing commercial females.

David Knowles
a year ago

Suffolk over the Lleyn produces some heavy and fast finishing prime lambs

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