Breed Characteristics

Lleyn Sheep Society Breed Characteristics
The Ideal Lleyn
Revised May 2016, and supersedes all previous details of the Lleyn breed
HEAD - Distinctive and feminine; warm white in colour; wide forehead; good length from eye to nose, straight to slightly dished and narrowing towards the nose; bright lively eyes; black nose.
EARS - Medium size and thickness and black spots desirable; base preferably starting from the wool.
NECK - Average length, well set on shoulders
BREAST - Wide and well forward
SHOULDER - Well set.
RIB - Long and well arched.
BACK - Good length
LOIN - Broad; well joined to rump, well set tail
LEGS - Average length, with no wool lower than the hock. Colour warm white.
BONE - Flat.
TAIL - The tail should be docked according to current legal practice.
WOOL - Containing no kemp, of good length, dense and of high quality. Excessive peeling/stripping of wool is discouraged within the breed
RAMS - Hornless.
The aim of the Lleyn Sheep Society is to maintain the Lleyn sheep as a medium sized ewe with highly respected maternal traits which suit today’s commercial sheep producer