Event Dates & Reports
NSA Events
The Society Stand will be present at the following:
NSA Scot Sheep 2024 will be held on Wednesday 5th June 2024, at Aikengall Farm, Innerwick, Dunbar, East Lothian, EH42 1SG
NSA Sheep Event 2024 will be held on Tuesday 30th July 2024, at Three Counties Showground, Malvern, WR13 6NW

2024 Open Days & Farm Walks
1. West Country Lleyn Sheep Breeders Cub
Date: Sunday 4th August, 2pm
Host: Paul & Sarah Eckett Flock 2185.
The farm is home to around 90 ewes, with around 30 of the flock lambing in mid February and the remainder in April. Ewe lambs are retained for replacements and to be sold through Society Sales. All welcome!
For more details please contact Sarah Eckett on email: sarah_eckett@hotmail.com
2. Northern Ireland Lleyn Breeders Club
Date: Saturday 24th August
Host: George Calwell
A mixed farm of beef cattle and a flock of pedigree Lleyn sheep on 55 acres of low lying agricultureland. The farm has been in the Calwell family for over 200 years and is located in the townland of Ballyreagh, near Clough outside Ballymena.
For further details contact club secretary - Aidan McConville 028 30821455 / 07732784639
3. Scottish & Borders Lleyn Breeders Club
Date: Sunday 25th August
Host: Farmstock Genetics, Over Whitlaw, Selkirk, TD7 4QN
Farmstock Genetics is owned by Tom and Ian Walling and is located at Over Whitlaw farm near Selkirk. It is a 500-acre stock farm as well as 250 acres of rented summer grazing, and home to 900 Lleyn ewes, 250 replacement ewe lambs, and 50 tup lambs which get sold as shearlings the following year. Running alongside the sheep are 80 pedigree Saler cattle plus followers and 20 Beef Shorthorns.
Having stood runners up in the Scottish Farmers Awards Sheep Farmer of the Year, the flock has had great success in the show ring winning numerous championships including the Great Yorkshire and Royal Highland Shows and enjoyed success at Society Sales.
This promises to be a great visit for Lleyn breeders or those interested in joining the breed. For further details contact the Scottish & Borders Club Secretary – Paul Barrow 07854702263 / helmfarm.1@gmail.com
4. Midlands Lleyn Breeders Club
Date: Sunday 15th September
Host: Slawston Grange Estate, Honeypot Yard, Slawston, LE16 7UD. What3words:///roofer.resembles.less.
A fully certified organic farm, lambing 750 ewes with 300 followers over 850 acres of permanent, temporary and herbal leys.
The sheep are farmed alongside a pedigree Aberdeen Angus suckler herd. We rear to Pasture for Life Standards with no concentrates fed at all.
Please contact Sally 07837 650940 for interest.