
The Lleyn Sheep Society began as a small group of dedicated breeders on the Lleyn Pensinsula in North Wales. Over the years, the maternal qualities of the Lleyn have resulted in a dynamic expansion of the membership across the whole of the British Isles, and even beyond into Europe.
Members of the Lleyn Sheep Society can:
- Register their ewe lambs;
- Register their shearling rams (once inspected, rams are validated for life)
- Sell their breeding stock at Society Sales
- Use the Society's LLEYN GOLD Ewe Efficiency Scheme
- Have rams DNA tested for a variety of genetic traits
In addition, as many members have found, membership of the Society is a gateway to other opportunities, meeting fellow breeders in a social context. For example, the annual AGM weekend is always very popular, as are many other smaller events organised by the affiliated Regional Clubs.