Midland Lleyn Breeders

This year’s Midland Lleyn open day was held on the 15th of September at the farm of Midland Lleyn 2023 champion flock winner Slawston Grange at their 850 acre grassland farm in Leicestershire.

Attendees were invited in from the cold wet September weather to be greeted with tea and cake while farm manager Dale discussed the origins of the flock, how the Lleyn is suited to their pasture only organic system and how they manage the land to provide nutritious forage to their flock throughout the year without the need for concentrates.

We also discussed how data is used to support management decisions and the strict culling process they follow to maintain a productive flock. They lamb 750 ewes and run on 300 ewe lambs to shearlings alongside their pedigree Aberdeen Angus suckler herd.

Guests were treated to a tractor and trailer tour around the farm showcasing their tremendously uniform flock with just a brief pit stop to un-hook and turn the dolly trailer by hand (if you know, you know!). During the tour we discussed their grassland management methods including the composition of their new lays, direct drilling of existing lays, the production of forage to see the flock through the winter months and the implementation of rotational grazing.

Attendees were then welcomed back to quiz farm manager Dale and Shepherd Josh over more tea and cake. The day was concluded with Lleyn Society Chairman Bethan Vaughan giving vote of thanks. Dale and Josh were terrific hosts, very welcoming and informative and should be very proud of their uniform flock.