The Society wants to congratulate all exhibitors on a fantastic show of sheep at this year's show, which was expertly judged by Alan West, Flock 559.
Full results are as follows:
Aged Ram
1st - Mr A Carter
2nd - Mrs A Glessing
3rd - Mr S Carter
Shearling Ram
1st - Mr A Carter
2nd - Mrs A Glessing
3rd - Mr A Carter
4th - Mr S Carter
Ram Lamb
1st - Mr J McCormack
2nd - Mr S Carter
3rd - Mr S Carter
4th - P Martin
Aged Ewe
1st - Mr J McCormack
2nd - Mr S Carter
3rd - P Martin
4th - Mr S Carter
Shearling Ewe
1st - P Martin
2nd - Mr A Carter
3rd - Mr S Carter
4th - Mr’s A Glessing
Ewe Lamb
1st - P Martin
2nd - Mr S Carter
3rd - P Martin
4th - Mr S Carter
Group of three
1st - Mr A Carter
2nd - P Martin
3rd - Mr S Carter
4th - Mrs A Glessing
Male Champion
Mr A Carter (Aged Ram)
Reserve Male Champion
Mr J McCormack (Ram Lamb)
Female Champion
P Martin (Shearling Ewe)
Reserve Female Champion
P Martin (Ewe Lamb)
Overall Champion
P Martin (Shearling Ewe)
Reserve Overall
Mr A Carter (Aged Ram)
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