Other crosses out of the Lleyn ewe
The Lleyn ewe is very versatile and crosses with virtually any ram. Crosses we see frequently include: Berrichon X Lleyn, Abermax X Lleyn, New Zealand Suffolk X Lleyn, New Zealand Texel X Lleyn, Roussin X Lleyn, Meatlink X Lleyn, Logie Durno X Lleyn & many more combinations. We see the Lleyn ewe working on farms across the country. Here are a few more crosses.
If you cross your Lleyn ewes and have some great lambs please send across some photographs to promotions@lleynsheep.com or WhatsApp
Alistair Watson, Flock 2326, Dumfries, Pure Lleyn, Berrichon X & Abermax X
Liz Rees, Flock 224, Becon, Pure Bred Lleyn and Aberblack x Lleyn
Lleyn Recipient Ewes, Sian Jones, Flock 2761, Wrexham
Derek Steen Flock 809, Purebred & Crossbred Lleyn
Running pure bred Lleyn alongside a crossbred flock of both Dutch Spotted and Roussin x Lleyn

Lleyn Being Noticed on Marginal Land - Lleyn x Cheviot crosses W R & J Barron, The Deans Farm, Muggleswick, Consett, Co Durham READ MORE>>

Maximising the Value of Wether Lambs on an Upland Farm
PE Dixon, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria Flock 2802 READ MORE>>

Alister Watson, Lockerbie, Flock 2326, Lleyn flock of breeding sheep is key to this progressive young farmer success. READ MORE>>
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