2024 Stirling Sale Report

Lleyn females were in exceptional demand at the Stirling Society Sale, with shearling ewes selling to a high of £315 per head, with averages for the section up by £68.57 on the year.

Leading the trade at £315 was the first prize pen of five from T & I Walling, Over Whitlaw Farm, Selkirk, which were knocked down to D Johnston, Wards of Boyndlie, Fraserburgh.

Travelling all the way from Orkney was C Davidson, who sold his best pen of 23 shearling ewes to £240 per head. Forking out the money to purchase these girls was J & A Dunlop, Ashfield Farm, Maybole.

The same buyers also purchased a pen of 22 shearling gimmers, again from C Davidson, this time for £220 per head.

Matching that £240 price tag was a pen of 5 from D & B Henderson, Nether Toucks, Stonehaven, which made up part of the flock dispersal taking place on the day. These girls headed home with D Campbell, Benview, Isle of Tiree.

Local breeders, R Johnston & Son, Roughlands, Stirlingshire, secured £235 for their pen of 20 shearling ewes, which were snapped up by W Mair, The Hill Farm, Cumnock.

Just behind on £230 per head were C & C Crawford, Teuchitfauld, Peterhead. Their pen of 8 were bought by D Campbell.


The Crawford family enjoyed a buoyant trade amongst the aged ewes, as they topped the section with a pen of 7 two-year-old ewes at £230 per head, which were knocked down to D Johnston.

Moments later, the Crawford’s sold two pens of four and three-year-old ewes for £165 per head. Both went under the hammer to C Haxton, Wester Greenside, Perthshire.

D & B Henderson also secured £230 per head for their pen of 8 three-year-old ewes. Managing to secure these girls was Burnhouse Farm, Bonnybridge.

The same buyers also bought a pen of 12 four-year-old ewes, again from D & B Henderson, which attained £205 per head.


D & B Henderson were soon back in the spotlight as they topped the trade for ewe lambs at £192 per head for their first prize pen of 5. They headed home with K Dick, Greenhill Farm, Stirlingshire.

Next best was Farmstock Genetics, Over Whitlaw Farm, Selkirk, who sold their second prize pen of 5 ewe lambs for £175 per head to D Johnston. A similar pen of 20 from the same home also made £150 and were bought by R Johnston & Son.

The Hendersons were back in the money as they also secured £175 per head for their pen of 7 ewe lambs, which were purchased by C Haxton.

C & C Crawford sold their best pen of 10 ewe lambs at £150 per head. These girls found a new home with R Johnston & Son.


Trade appeared selective amongst the tups, with the section averaging 672gns.

Leading the charge was H Goldie, South Bowerhouses, Dumfries with his second prize ram, Lochar Muskateer (01312/2307547) making 1350gns. A son of the home-bred Lochar Jetset (01312/2005715), he went under the hammer to Rosneath Farms, Helensburgh.

The pre-sale show first prize ram (00971/2318214) from Laga Farms attained a top price of 1100gns, when selling to the same buyer. Another backed by home-bred genetics, he is sired by Lagas King (00971/2115681).

The first ram to enter the ring from C & C Crawford, reached 1000gns for Cragg Kaiser (00886/2106374). Bred by P Knowles and sired by the Edric stock ram (00621/1510409), he sold to McKerr Farms, Forth, South Lanarkshire.

Next best at 900gns was Whitlaw Magnifico (00983/2321404) from Farmstock Genetics. Sired by the notable champion winning ram, Mullamore Jake (02022/2002967), he is out of an excellent home-bred ewe, weaning lambs at 129% of her bodyweight. Magnifico was snapped up by Kinnordy Farm Partnership.

H Goldie sold another notable ram for 850gns, this time for Lochar Monitor (01312/2307332). Sired by the Lluest stock ram (00599/1810025), this boy is in the top 10% index and top 1% maternal index. He was knocked down to G Lawrie, Hillhead of Careston, Angus.



Aged ewes to £230 av. £199

Shearling ewes to £315 av. £226 (+£68.57)

Ewe lambs to £192 av. £168.40 (+£68.40)

Rams to 672gns (-26.65gns)


Top prices

Aged ewes

C & C Crawford, £230

D & B Henderson, £230

D & B Henderson, £205

C & C Crawford, £165

C & C Crawford, £165


Shearling ewes

T & I Walling, £315

C Davidson, £240

D & B Henderson, £240

R Johnston & Son, £235

C & C Crawford, £230

C Davidson, £220

Laga Farms, £200

Laga Farms, £200

D & B Henderson, £195

Laga Farms, £185


Ewe lambs

D & B Henderson, £192

Farmstock Genetics, £175

D & B Henderson, £175

Farmstock Genetics, £150

C & C Crawford, £150



H Goldie, 1350gns

Laga Farms, 1100gns

C & C Crawford, 1000gns

Farmstock Genetics, 900gns

H Goldie, 850gns

Farmstock Genetics, 800gns

Farmstock Genetics, 800gns

H Goldie, 800gns

T & I Walling, 800gns

T & I Walling, 800gns


Show results

Judges: Mrs Julie Robertson & Euan Robertson


Shearing ram

1st - Laga Farms Ltd

2nd - H Goldie

3rd – T & I Walling


Pen of shearling ewes

1st – T & I Walling

2nd - D & B Henderson


Pen of ewe lambs

1st - D & B Henderson

2nd - Farmstock Genetics