Ewe Lamb Registration

- Why Register Your Ewe Lambs?

The Lleyn Sheep Society requires members to register ewe lambs in the year
of their birth.

- Ewe lambs you intend to retain in your flock must be registered. Otherwise,
you will not be able to register their future progeny.

- Ewe lambs to be sold at Society Sales must also be fully registered before the Sale (and must be correctly identified with their Society and Defra (or equivalent) compliant tags).

- Ewe lambs to be sold as shearlings, sold from home, online etc. It can be very advantageous for sheep leaving your flock to be fully registered. Registration of your ewe lambs is a small price to pay for their long term future breeding registered Lleyn. Your buyers will have the confidence that they are buying genuine pure-bred registered Lleyn sheep, who should perform as Gold Standard Lleyn and whose progeny can be registered by their new owners.   


How to Register your 2024 Ewe Lambs

The Society's preferred option is online (Grassroots) or by using a spreadsheet.


Option 1
Online Via Grassroots
Online Flock Book and Registry

The deadline for this option is 31st December 2024.

Until 31st Oct          £1.50 + VAT or  €1.80 + VAT

1st Nov - 31st Dec   £2.00 + VAT or €2.40 + VAT

Download a step by step guide on how to register you ewe lambs via the Online Grassroots.

Online/Grassroots - all Society members have an individual access code for the Online Flock Book and Registry.
If you don't have the code or you have lost it please Contact The Society Office

Option 2

Emailing a Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet can be created manually or via your on-farm software. It is recommended that you speak to the Society Office if creating for the first time to help you set off on the right track.

Tip: tag number format matters 

Please save the spreadsheet with your name and flock number.

Please read these SPREADSHEET INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTRATION before you start entering information on your spreadsheet.

This is an example of how a EWE LAMB REGISTRATION SPREADSHEET EXAMPLE should look like when completed.

Use this EWE LAMB REGISTRATION SPREADSHEET TEMPLATE  to enter your Lleyn Ewe Lamb Registration details.
Please save the spreadsheet with your name and flock number.

The deadline for this option is 31st December 2024.

Until 31st Oct          £1.50 + VAT or  €1.80 + VAT

1st Nov - 31st Dec   £2.00 + VAT or €2.40 + VAT

Lleyn Sheep Society Ewe Lamb Registration Spreadsheet Example
Excel – 72.5 KB 345 downloads
Lleyn Ewe Lamb Registration Spreadsheet Template
Excel – 52.0 KB 350 downloads


Option 3

Paper Forms

To be sent to the Society Secretary

Paper forms can still be used but only until 31st October 2024.

However, as this option requires more work in the office, the cost is £1.80 + VAT or €2.20 + VAT

Download a paper form below:

Registration Of Ewe Lambs Form Pdf
PDF – 115.1 KB 315 downloads


Further Information

Please read this information regarding Tagging Rules  for ewe lambs and what is required by the Lleyn Sheep Society

Tagging Rules Pdf
PDF – 190.3 KB