2024 Carlisle Sale Report

Vendors enjoyed a very buoyant trade at the Lleyn Sheep Society’s annual sale of rams and females at Borderway Mart, Carlisle, where a top price of £700 was achieved amongst the shearling ewes, with the section averaging £259.59 – up £62.81 on the year.

The leading female came in the form of the first prize individual ewe in the pre-sale show from Farmstock Genetics, Over Whitlaw Farm, Lindean, Selkirk. Managing to buy this quality sheep was HM Wells, Cardigan, Dyfed.

The third prize individual ewe from D & B Henderson, Nether Toucks, Dunnottar, Stonehaven was knocked down at £270, when selling to A Vaughan, Llys Yr Awel, Tufton, Clarbeston Road, Pembrokeshire, whilst the second prize individual ewe from HM Jenkinson, Woodfoot, Crosby Ravensworth sold to H Dean, Hill Top Farm, North Yorkshire for £250.


Amongst the pens of shearling ewes, trade topped at £360 per head for a pen of five from L Organ, Ty Maen Farm, Rhos Llangeler, Llandysul. Managing to secure these girls was C Timm, Pickering, North Yorkshire.

H Goldie, South Bowerhouses, Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire enjoyed a fantastic trade for his females, with his leading pen of six landing a top price of £320 per head. These girls travel north to join Messrs Peterkin, Beauly, Inverness-shire.

Mr Goldie then sold two pens for £300 per head, firstly for a pen of five which sold to H Dean, whilst a pen of 12 were knocked down to Messrs Wood, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

A final pen of six shearling ewes from H Goldie went under the hammer at £290 per head, which were bought by T Bingham, Newark.

Farmstock Genetics were back in the money with their best pen of five shearling ewes soaring to a top of £300. This pen was purchased by Winton Trust, Pencaitland, Tranent.

D & B Henderson’s best pen of four shearling ewes secured a top price of £285 per head, when selling to K Dick, Greenhill Farm, Stirling.


Quality pens of aged ewes attracted buyers to the ringside, where the section was led by D & B Henderson with their pen of six three-year-old ewes reaching a top of £195 per head. These girls were knocked down to South Dissington Farms, Hexham.

A second pen of four four-year-old ewes from the same home attained £170 per head, and headed home with JE Lancaster, Fell View, Sandford.

JM & RM Haston, Dearham Hall Farm, Row Brow, Dearham secured £165 and £155 for two pens of four-year-old ewes, both of which were bought by EJ & AM Fox, St Johns Kirk, Symington.


Ewe lambs enjoyed a flying sale trade with 354 selling to average £158.92, up £31.11 on the corresponding year.

Leading the day’s sale was L Organ with his pen of six soaring to £300 per head. Placing the winning bid was A Selway, Stalbridge, Dorset.

The pre-sale show female judges, P & S Eckett, Minster House, Dorset, forked out £235 per head for their reserve champion pen of five ewe lambs from L Jenkinson, Woodfoot.

Two pens of five and 11 ewe lambs from GH Blakey, Netherton Northside, Thropton, Morpeth were then sold £200 and £175 per head. These were knocked down to AT Davies, Carmarthenshire and South Dissington Farms, respectively.

A pen of five lambs from D & B Henderson attained a top of £178. These girls caught the eye of Watson Farming, Melrose.


The ringside remained packed to watch an incredible sale of rams, where the trade soared to heights of 7500gns and the section levelled out at £1435.98 for 100 sold.

Landing that tremendous top price was this year’s Royal Welsh Show male champion, Rowelen Marksman (00575/2302113) from HM Wells. A son of the Lluest-bred stock ram (00599/2011966) and out of a home-bred ewe, this boy headed north to Scotland to join DJ Steen, Moffat, Dumfriesshire.

Next in the trade stakes at 5000gns was the second prize ram at the pre-sale show, Brightonhouse Maestro (01299/2326208) from G & A Fort, Brighton House Farm, Whitley Head Steeton, Keighley. Sired by the top priced ram (02684/1800191) at last year’s Skipton Society sale, he was snapped up by C Timm.

Living up to his name, Netherton Lleyn Moneymaker (01158/2310591) from GH Blakey matched that 5000gns bid. Sired by the flock’s stock ram (01299/2125726), he makes the long journey north to join Laga Farms Ltd, Orkney.

The pre-sale show judge, R Twose, Twose Farms Ltd, Whitland, Dyfed backed his decision and bought his choice of male champion in the form of the TACHO ram (00350/2308582) from WJ & DJ Williams, Bodtacho Ddu, Nefyn, Pwllheli. Out of a home-bred ewe, he is sired by stock ram (01228/2120314).

The very first ram to enter the ring from H Goldie proved a popular choice for buyers, as Lochar Mccoist (01312/2307253) reached 4200gns. Bred by Lluest stock ram (00599/1810025) and in the top 5% index and maternal index, he sold to HM Dugdale & Son, Settle, North Yorkshire.

Three rams then hit 4000gns, the first deriving from the Wray Castle pen of JA & R Geldard & Sons, Low Foulshaw Farm, Gilpin Bridge, Levens, Kendal. Standing third in the pre-sale show, the Geldard’s leading ram (00621/2324438) is sired by (01299/1918597) and was another purchased by HM Dugdale & Son.

D Knowles, Cragg Farm, New Hutton, Kendal secured the second 4000gns ram, in the form of this year’s Royal Highland Show champion, Bardspark Mountain (01836/2303357) from D & B Henderson. Out of a home-bred ewe, he is by stock sire (01299/2125771).

The final 4000gns bid came for the Lluest ram (00599/2314798) from E & D Jones, Lluest Wen, Comins Coch, Machynlleth. A son of TACHO stock ram (00350/2106856), he went under the hammer to Laga Farms Ltd.



Aged ewes (30) to £195 av. £171.25 (+£76.25)

Shearling ewes (636) to £360 av. £259.59 (+£62.81)

Ewe lambs (354) to £300 av. £158.92 (+£31.11)

Rams (100) to 7500gns av. £1421.76 (+£576.99)


Top prices

Aged ewes

D & B Henderson, £195

D & B Henderson, £170

JM & RM Haston, £165

JM & RM Haston, £155


Shearling ewes

L Organ, £360

H Goldie, £320

Farmstock Genetics, £300

H Goldie, £300

H Goldie, £300

H Goldie, £290

D & B Henderson, £285

H Goldie, £280

H Goldie, £280

H Goldie, £280

L Jenkinson, £275

H & M Dugdale & Son, £275


Individual shearling ewes

Farmstock Genetics, £700

D & B Henderson, £270

HM Jenkinson, £250


Ewe lambs

L Organ, £300

L Jenkinson, £235

GH Blakey, £200

D & B Henderson, £178

GH Blakey, £175

D & B Henderson, £168

HM Jenkinson, £165

J & A Barrow & Sons, £165

J & A Barrow & Sons, £165

GH Blakey, £165



HM Wells, 7500gns

G & A Fort, 5000gns

GH Blakey, 5000gns     

WJ & DJ Williams, 4500gns       

H Goldie, 4200gns        

JA & R Geldard & Sons, 4000gns            

D & B Henderson, 4000gns      

E & D Jones, 4000gns  

JK Goldie, 3000gns

M & R Cursiter, 3000gns

H Goldie, 3000gns


Show results

Male judge: Richard Twose

Female judge: Paul & Sarah Eckett


Pen of 5 shearling ewes

1st - L Jenkinson (female champion)

2nd - HM Jenkinson

3rd - H Goldie


Individual shearling ewe

1st - Farmstock Genetics

2nd - L Jenkinson

3rd - D & B Henderson


Pen of 5 ewe lambs

1st - L Jenkinson (reserve female champion)

2nd - L Organ

3rd - J & A Barrow & Sons



1st - WJ & DJ Williams

2nd - G & A Fort

3rd - JA & R Geldard & Sons


Pen of shearling rams

1st - L Jenkinson

2nd - H Goldie

3rd - Laga Farms